About us
Words from the Chairperson
I initially joined APRA to support a worthy cause. A cause where I can see, hear and feel the difference my and other people's efforts make.
In the years I have been with APRA I have seen what amazing things can be achieved when people work together with a common goal.
It is a pleasure to live in Arcon Park today, it is a privilege not to worry when I'm at work and my family is at home, it is wonderful to hear our members asking on the Zello APRA.911 channel if patrollers can investigate someone or something that looks out of place.
The information that something is out of place is already very valuable. Having access to dedicated and committed patrollers and the advent of Sekutiteit Sonder Grense investigating those queries is another critical link in the chain. And in this way, the APRA committee and members have worked tirelessly to fight crime by trying new and different techniques, technologies and partners while focusing on our community and their safety.
I want us to remember the wise words from our previous chairperson, Mr Brian Smith -
" I can not protect Arcon Park and the 1200 households alone, I need you to help and together we can protect Arcon Park and make a difference"