Who and what is APRA?
Arcon Park Residents' Association - ArconPark's neighbourhood watch.
Is there a membership fee?
Yes, R100 per month
Why should I pay to be a member?
Contributions go towards every effort to make and keep ArconPark a safe neighbourhood for our families and children, by:
- We erected the fence around Arconpark
- The fence needs maintenance (accidents and vandals wreck it)
- We have 24/7 APRA patrolling and reaction response with x2 vehicles
- Community members patrol our area at random with great success
- CCTV Montoring in APRA control room
- Alarm Monitoring in APRA control room
- Armed Response
Why should I become a member:
- You contribute in a positive way, to the safe keeping of your neighbourhood, for yourself and your children
How do we get communications to and from APRA:
- Zello two way radio for members
How does it work?
We support each other, you let us know of any suspect activity or individual, and patrol takes it from there. If need be, we also inform everyone to be alert or lookout for what has been reported.
How do I become a member? Contact us